

Baylor Genetics社

Baylor Genetics社は、Baylor医科大学においてNIH(National Institute of Health;国立衛生研究所)の支援をもっとも多く受けた遺伝学プログラムをもつ関連会社であり、40年近くにわたって精密医療のパイオニアであり続けています。今日では、臨床上の適切なソリューションを提供し、なおかつ費用対効果の高い遺伝子検査を幅広く提供しています。それを支える同社の比類ない経験は、先進技術、深く掘り下げた患者のデータセット、非常に複雑な症例についても正確な解釈を導く遺伝子に関する手腕などのコンビネーションによるものです。

同社の企業精神の中枢は、医師と患者双方に情報提供し、医師が患者に最良のケアを施すために検査を臨床利用してもらうことです。同社における発見や検査は、Baylor 医科大学の遺伝医学の学者、教授陣、遺伝カウンセラー、研究者等スタッフ全員にバックアップされています。Baylor Genetics社は、学術的な卓越性とオペレーション運用上の卓越性を兼ね備えることで、医療界に対して、幅広い検査メニュー、世界の一流の専門家へのアクセス、患者様にご安心いただける回答を提供いたします。

Baylor Genetics社は、ヒューストン市にある世界最大級の医療研究機関の集積地であるテキサス医療センター内に本拠を置き、50の州と16カ国の顧客にサービスを提供しています。


OneOme社は、患者の日常的な臨床ケアに役立つ、網羅的で費用対効果の高いファーマコゲノミクスソリューションの提供を目的として、Invenshure社とメイヨークリニックにより設立されました 。




同社のミッションは、世界中のすべての医療提供者と患者のために最も費用対効果が高く、網羅的かつ臨床的に実用性のあるファーマコゲノミクス(PGx)検査とツールを提供することです 。


Color Genomics

Color is a modern health service (現代の医療サービス) that applies expertise in robotics, genomics, software and design (ロボット工学、ゲノミクス、ソフトウェア、デザイン) to a crucial healthcare challenge: preventing or detecting conditions where early knowledge can improve health outcomes and reduce treatment costs (健康成果を改善し、治療費を削減する).

  • Color's affordable, clinical-grade genetic tests help people understand their risk for hereditary cancer and heart conditions - knowledge that they and their doctors can use to create personalized health plans.

  • Rainbow provides Color’s hereditary cancer and heart health tests with localized genetic counseling and translated clinical reports, supporting both patients and their physicians.

  • Our "preferred" partnership with Color enables us to provide affordable hereditary cancer and heart health tests to middle class patients who otherwise could not afford to be tested.

Fabric Genomics

Fabric Genomics is making precision medicine a reality (精密薬を現実化する) by facilitating clinical labs, hospital systems (助けて臨床研究室、病院システム), and country-sequencing programs to develop, deploy, and scale genomic testing (ゲノムテストの開発、展開、および拡張).

  • Our AI approach to genome interpretation, and SOP-based workflows enable rapid generation of physician-ready clinical reports for any genomic test.

  • Our tools enable scientists to quickly and accurately process and analyze whole genomes, exomes and gene panels. Fabric Genomics’ cutting-edge genomic data processing and advanced algorithmic tools have been licensed by over 1,000 academic institutions and clinical laboratories around the world.

  • Fabric Genomics’ core customers are commercial clinical laboratories, hospital core labs, country sequencing programs, and research institutions.


Macrogen is a precision medical and biotechnology company (精密医療およびバイオテクノロジー企業) with a global reach.

  • Established on June 5, 1997 from the Genome Medical Research Institute of Seoul National University, Macrogen became Korea’s first bio venture company listed on KOSDAQ in February 2000.

  • Its commercialization of technologies and ongoing research and development have earned it the distinguished reputation as Korea’s leading biotechnology company and a global genetic analysis specialist.

  • Macrogen has about 18,000 lab customers in 153 countries. Macrogen is making a positive impact on the local community by being a socially responsible neighbor that performs ongoing R&D and social contributive activities.

  • Clinical diagnostics and personal genome studies are an integral part of precision medicine and that are where Macrogen makes large investments and performs research and development. Macrogen is involved in genome testing for cancer, antepartum, and rare diseases, and personal genome testing to provide customized diagnostics, treatment, and care.

  • Macrogen uses US-based Illumina genotyping platform, a gold standard in genotyping content and accuracy.

Juntendo University Medical School


The mission of Juntendo University is to strive for advances in society through education, research, and healthcare.

  • Juntendo was originally founded in 1838 as a Dutch School of Medicine at a time when Western medical education was not yet embedded as a normal part of Japanese society. Through the years the institution’s experience and perspective as an institution of higher education and a place of clinical practice has enabled Juntendo University to play an integral role in the shaping of Japanese medical education and practices.

  • Rainbow partners with Juntendo’s clinical and genomic medicine teams at the Center of Intractable Disease Research,

  • The Juntendo medical team has many years of experience providing genetic testing to Asian patients. More importantly, the Japanese bioinformaticians and clinicians are trained to provide clinical interpretation specifically for Asian patients including Chinese and Japanese individuals.

Pathway Genomics

Pathway OME is the leading genetic wellness company for Nutrition, Exercise, Skincare and Artificial Intelligence (栄養、エクササイズ、スキンケア、人工知能), used to help guide lifestyle, diet and nutritional supplement decisions (ライフスタイル、ダイエット、栄養補助食品の決定) to improve the overall health and well-being of patients (患者の全体的な健康と幸福を改善する).

  • Since its founding in 2009, Pathway Genomics has become known for its dedication to innovation – making it a leader in the commercial personalized health and wellness industries.

  • Focusing on providing users with the most validated and personalized healthcare information delivered to any device, the company’s program with IBM data is the first of its kind to merge artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning with precision medicine, applicable to both consumers and providers.

Quest Diagnostics

Quest Diagnostics empowers people to take action to improve health outcomes (健康成果を改善するための行動を人々に与える). Derived from the world's largest database of clinical lab results, our diagnostic insights reveal new avenues to identify and treat disease, inspire healthy behaviors and improve health care management.

  • Quest Diagnostics is the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information services

  • Quest annually serves one in three adult Americans and half the physicians and hospitals in the United States, and our 45,000 employees understand that, in the right hands and with the right context, our diagnostic insights can inspire actions that transform lives.

  • Generated 2017 revenues of approximately US$7.7 billion

  • Publicly trades common stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: DGX). More in Investor Relations. Ranks as a component of the S&P 500

  • Serves about half of the physicians and hospitals in the U.S

  • Engages workforce of about 45,000 employees dedicated to putting patients first every day

  • Operates more than 2,200 patient service centers

  • A medical and scientific staff of more than 650 M.D.s and Ph.D.s

  • Logistics capabilities, that include approximately 3,700 courier vehicles and 23 aircraft that collectively make tens of thousands of stops daily




Consultageneは、Baylor GeneticsとコラボレートしたBaylor医科大学の分子遺伝学・ヒト遺伝学部のサービスです。このサービスは、180人の教授陣や医療提供者の知的資本が根幹を成しています。



Education 啓発サービス .  患者様の状況や遺伝学医療のご懸念に沿って、教育ビデオ、パンフレット、ウェブ上のリソースを専門家が個人的にセレクトし、ご案内します。

Genetic Counseling 遺伝カウンセリング.  患者様に対し、認定された遺伝カウンセラーが丁寧にカウンセリングを行います。万全の情報セキュリティー体制のもと尚且つ患者様に合わせたスケジュールで、患者様の遺伝医療に関する質問に答え、患者様の次の段階につなげられるカウンセリングを進めてまいります。
