Rainbow Genomics和Color Genomics合作, 為亞洲人士提供經濟實惠的遺傳性癌症和心臟健康遺傳風險評估檢測
Rainbow Genomics and Color Genomics Team Up to Provide Access to Affordable Hereditary Cancer and Heart Health Genetic Risk Assessment Tests in Asia
合作夥伴關係將Rainbow Genomics本地醫生和病人支支援能力與Color Genomics檢測能力相結合,提供可負擔得起的基因檢測,以及早發現與遺傳性癌症和遺傳性心臟病風險增加相關的基因突變.
Rainbow Genomics是Color在香港的”首選”合作夥伴 “Preferred Provider”,將為香港提供價格合理的基因檢測,分析個人患8種遺傳性癌症和14種遺傳性心臟健康狀況的風險.
表示對Color測試感興趣的香港個人和患者, 將被轉介到Rainbow診所網絡內的醫療服務提供者,以接受測試前諮詢。
另外,所有醫生還可以直接從Rainbow Genomics訂購Color測試並提供他們自己的臨床諮詢。
SAN FRANCISCO, May 23, 2018 (Newswire) - Rainbow Genomics, a preferred partner of Color in Hong Kong, will provide widespread access in Hong Kong to affordable genetic tests that analyze an individual’s risk for 8 hereditary cancers and 4 hereditary heart health conditions. The Color-Rainbow partnership provides a fully integrated solution, delivering actionable clinical test results at a price point that’s accessible.
Rainbow Genomics provides localized support to both physicians and patients in Hong Kong. Individuals in Hong Kong who express interest in Color’s tests will be referred to healthcare providers within Rainbow’s network of clinics to receive pre-test consultations. Separately, physicians can also order Color tests directly from Rainbow Genomics and provide their own clinical consultations.
Color’s CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified laboratory in California will utilize next-generation sequencing to analyze all samples. English clinical reports will be issued by Color’s U.S. board-certified medical geneticists. Chinese supplementary clinical reports with summaries written by genetic counselors, coupled with trilingual (English, Mandarin, and Cantonese) genetic counseling, will be provided through Rainbow Genomics.
“At Color, we believe that all patients deserve to understand their risk for hereditary conditions like cancer and heart disease, no matter where they live and what language they speak,” said Andreia Gardner, Color’s Head of International Sales. “Partnering with Rainbow enables us to offer a localized, accessible, affordable, clinical grade service to our clients in Hong Kong.”
“Because of the chronic shortage of genetic counselors in the region, coupled with the high cost of traditional cancer genetic tests, many individuals with known risk factors such as a family history simply have not been tested,” said Daniel Siu, CEO of Rainbow Genomics. “This partnership is a significant step in closing that gap and goes a long way to ensuring that anyone can benefit from understanding their genetic risk for hereditary conditions.”
About Rainbow Genomics
Rainbow Genomics is a pioneer in the commercialization of next-generation sequencing-based, diagnostic and health screening solutions to individuals in Asia. Rainbow co-developed U.S.-based clinical best practices with institutional partners and deploy evidence-based clinical assessment products through highly effective channels to address both the domestic and the medical tourism markets in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and other Asian countries. Rainbow Genomics specializes in providing affordable cancer and cardio screening, whole exome sequencing, and pharmacogenomic tests to enable physicians to use genomic information for diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention. For further information, visit www.rainbowgenomics.com
About Color
Color is a modern health service that applies expertise in robotics, genomics, software and design to a crucial healthcare challenge: preventing or detecting conditions where early knowledge can improve health outcomes and reduce treatment costs. Color's affordable, clinical-grade genetic tests help people understand their risk for hereditary cancer and heart conditions - knowledge that they and their doctors can use to create personalized health plans. Color tests are physician-ordered and include complimentary access to board-certified genetic counselors for clients and healthcare providers. For further information visit www.color.com. For press inquiries email press@color.com.