Rainbow Genomics Launches Whole Genome Sequencing Tests at Low Price Points Comparable to Exome Sequencing and Panel Testing

  • Whole Genome Analysis Increases Success in Finding a Genetic Cause Associated with Pediatric and Adult Disorders

  • Fast Testing Results

San Francisco, November 6, 2020

Targeting patients affected by pediatric and adult genetic disorders, Rainbow launches a range of clinical whole genome sequencing tests at low price points comparable to cost levels of exome sequencing and panel testing. Many middle-class patients and families can now afford to receive a whole genome sequencing test, which was prohibitively expensive and generally unavailable from local clinics and hospitals.

With an extensive sequencing and information technology infrastructure, Rainbow can now generate, analyze, and store the massive amount of data generated by whole genome sequencing at a very low-cost level, passing on the savings to patients.

Similar to all other Rainbow clinical tests, whole genome sequencing is performed at a U.S. CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited clinical laboratory. Bioinformatic platforms from the U.S., U.K., Japan, Korea and Europe are used for data analysis. Board-certified clinical geneticists will review and interpret the findings following ACMG guidelines. Clinical reports are signed out by dual- MD. & Ph.D. degree holding medical directors. Patient data privacy is protected following U.S. patient privacy laws and a HIPAA complaint clinical process.

“Being one of the first to offer clinical whole genome sequencing at low price points in Asia, we hope to provide physicians a compelling tool to substantially increase diagnostic success for patients who have been suffering from genetic disorders.” said Daniel Siu, CEO of Rainbow Genomics. “With the ability to analyze the whole genome and areas missed by whole exome sequencing, we expect to provide compelling clinical findings for patients who failed to obtain a positive report even after receiving an exome sequencing test.”

Whole genome sequencing tests are offered along with low-cost chromosomal microarray testing, with analytical results covering single nucleotide variants, insertions, deletions, copy number and structural variants, suitable for diagnosis of a wide-range of genetic disorders.

About Rainbow Genomics
Rainbow Genomics is committed to providing clinically-validated and affordable genetic tests to patients in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and other Asian countries. The company delivers clinical interpretations specifically for Asians, based on expert understanding of their genetics, and medical care experience in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. Rainbow Genomics specializes in providing whole genome & whole exome sequencing, pharmacogenomic, hereditary cancer and polygenic risk assessment tests to enable physicians to use genomic information for diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention.